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5.0分 / 剧情片 / 法国 / 2024

片名:都市寓言 HD中字



制片地区: 法国

导演: 阿莉切·罗尔瓦赫尔,让·热内

编剧: 阿莉切·罗尔瓦赫尔,让·热内

主演: 琳娜·库德里,Naïm El Kaldaoui,莱奥·卡拉克斯

上映时间: 2024

对白语言: 汉语普通话 / 英语

色彩: 彩色

更新时间:2024-09-22 13:50


  In the Allegory of the Cave, Plato ponders: what would happen if one of the prisoners managed to free themselves from their chains and escape from the cave? What if that prisoner were Jay, a little 7-year-old boy?
  Director’s statement
  What lies behind the daily movement of a city? Last winter, we met in Paris and began discussing the Allegory of the Cave, as told in Plato’s Republic. The myth imagines humanity living in chains, facing the back of a cave, and watching shadows move on the walls, thinking it is reality. We both work with images, which certainly can be illusions, but can also become instruments of struggle and liberation of thought. So, from this discussion, we decided to create a short film. We had a few fixed ideas—the cave, the dance, the city bustling around us—and one question: what would happen if we all managed to turn together towards the exit of the cave? Perhaps it is not enough to assert that images are illusions as long as the chains that bind us are real.


《都市寓言》该片自上映后,口碑爆棚,能成为年度最佳剧情片。《都市寓言》往往可以变成在今年的电影中用户评价有名的电影,直接原因是《都市寓言》整部著作自身足够好,不论是艺人琳娜·库德里,Naïm El Kaldaoui,莱奥·卡拉克斯的呈现、阿莉切·罗尔瓦赫尔,让·热内拍摄技巧,或是电影情节和现实感,全是非常出众的,取得好口碑:5.0分其实也很正常。《都市寓言》的艺人琳娜·库德里,Naïm El Kaldaoui,莱奥·卡拉克斯尽管说不是非常有名,但是琳娜·库德里,Naïm El Kaldaoui,莱奥·卡拉克斯的表演很好,可以把观众们带到到小故事中来,让粉丝有一种窒息的感觉,相比这些帅哥的表演琳娜·库德里,Naïm El Kaldaoui,莱奥·卡拉克斯的表演真是能够称之为高手,因此大家喜欢这部剧情片。


阿莉切·罗尔瓦赫尔,让·热内不仅是《都市寓言》的出品人,而且还是《都市寓言》的总编制,甚至是这部《都市寓言》的主演,《都市寓言》这是一部充满着诚意的影视作品,将会在2024全国公映。在《都市寓言》的首映礼上,虽然阿莉切·罗尔瓦赫尔,让·热内已经来到了内地,但因为疫情防控的原因,阿莉切·罗尔瓦赫尔,让·热内琳娜·库德里,Naïm El Kaldaoui,莱奥·卡拉克斯只能够通过视频连线的方式,与现场的观众进行交流,阿莉切·罗尔瓦赫尔,让·热内琳娜·库德里,Naïm El Kaldaoui,莱奥·卡拉克斯对这部电影进行了介绍,同时表示这部电影就像是自己的孩子出生一样,自己感觉到十分开心,而且感觉到十分紧张。


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